Friday 24 April 2015

8 years!

I cannot believe it has been eight years since my last update.  Well, things have certainly moved on since 2007.  We haven't played colonials for a few years now.  These days we play a lot of Songs of Blades & Heroes by Ganesha games.  At the beginning of the year Mars Attacks from Mantic was a must play.  For the last few weeks we've mostly been playing Lion Rampant from Osprey publishing.  A fantastic set of rules.  They give a quick, decisive and above all fun game.  We've been trying a fantasy version ourselves experimenting with increased armour for undead creatures versus shooting, which worked well.  elves we give Fleet footed through woods, you get the idea.

I hope to resurrect this blog and post some pictures of the games I play and share my hobby experiences.